Biography of the Jersey Devil
The Jersey Devil has quite the tragic backstory, which has made it a long time kept treasure of new Jersey's folk lore. It is said that the Jersey Devil was born to a resident of New jersey who was so distraught to find that she was pregnant for the thirteenth time in her life, that she cried out "Let it be the Devil!" After hearing this himself, the devil cursed the young Mrs. Leeds to carry his offspring. When the child emerged on its day of birth the doctors and mother let out screams of horror as what emmerged was no ordinary baby. It is decribed as a vile looking creature with traits of a dog, kangaroo, goat, and bats. The creature spread it's leathery wings letting out a putrid screech, then flew out of the home's window into the nearby swamp, to forever haunt the backlands of New Jersey. In 1909 the Philidelphia Zoo even offered a reward to the public which could be claimed by anyone who could deliver the creature to the zoo alive. This promted lots of hoaxes and frauds to be presented to the zoo, even some kangaroos with wings attatched were submitted!